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          The following information describes common fixed for typical modems. Most modem problems can be fixed by installing the new driver/firmware or by installing a special initialization string. Instructions for installing the init string can be found here. An excellent web site for init strings and other info is located here: http://www.modemsite.com/56k/trouble2.asp

    • Rockwell HCF (aka Conexant HCF or SupraMax PCI) - These modems have always been typical problems modems. Needs the latest driver to connect reliably. Good sources for the modem drivers are http://members.cnx.net/reboot/modems/ and http://www.modemsite.com/56k/soft56.asp. Other tricks to fix problems with this modem are to simply uninstall the modem and reboot. Windows should re-install the modem driver when it reboots. The reason why this helps is because at times the modem driver becomes corrupt and no longer works properly. Also, try turning off Graohics Acceleration by doing this procedure. Go to My Computer, Control Panel, System, Performance, Graphics and turn the Graphics Acceleration off. Then close all windows and reboot.

    • USR 56k Winmodem - Will not handshake properly, slow data xfer when it does connect. Use S32=34 to disable X2 or try S13=64 to disable fast retrains. Also try ATS32=98 to disable X2 and V90. Download the lastest drivers from http://www.usrobotics.com

    • AOpen 56k's (FM56-P) - Only one version of firmware, doesn't appear to help at all. Modem doesn't connect, same phasing problem. Will not handshake, rapid disconnections (within seconds of establishing a connection) a lot of the time, the modem will just stop responding.

    • Cirrus Logic - Handshake/phasing problem. Similar to the AOpens. Will not connect (chipset CL-MD56xx typically) needs latest driver 6.04 or later. Try using AT+MS=V34B,1,0,33600 Web Sites: http://www.ambient.com/pages/drivers.html
      	CD04.08 - 604  PARALLEL (V.90-ONLY) SPEAKERPHONE 
      	04 - DSP PATCH: 103.00
      	*NOTE* that the 4.08 is not the firmware number, 
      	although it looks like
      	it.  The 604 is actually the number you should look 
      	at--that's 6.04.
    • Compaq 56-df - This is actually an LT WinModem in disguise. Go to ftp://ftp.compaq.com/pub/softpaq/sp9001-9500/sp9017.exe and install the SoftPaq. To get the lastest SoftPaq from Compaq or update to the latest LT WinModem driver go to http://www.808hi.com/56k/x2-lucent.htm Note: Installing the LT WinModem drivers will make the voice functionality of the modem not work with the Compaq software. You can also try putting 3 or 4 commas after the phone number. Another trick is to limit the connection speed to 41,333

    • Acer Aspire - Works best if you add 3 commas after the phone number. Putting 4 commas will make it not connect at all. Update for this modem is available at ftp://ftp.acer.com/aac_support/desktop/drivers/modem/56KV90.exe The 00-INDEX.TXT file says it is, but the version information in the files is

    • LT WinModems - Download the latest drivers from Lucent for best results. Use +MS=V32 to make a reliable connection at 14400 if you can't connect at all. Then download the new driver. For best results you need to at least have driver version 5.49 Lucent does a good job at keeping these drivers updated. If you can't download the latest driver try using AT-v90=0S38=0

    • USR Sportster V.90 - GOOD MODEM! The only problem with this modem is it is too agressive sometime. If you have connection problems you should reduce your connection speed by 2k or 4k. An example string would be AT&F1&M5&N29&U28 In this string the &M5 specifies Error Control only, &N29 limits connection speed to 44,000 and &U28 ensures I connect at least42,666

    • Diamond Supra - Diamond has won many awards with this modem. However, some tend to have connection problems with it. Try using AT&F1E0W2+MS=56 which forces it to KFlex for a more reliable connection. Or try AT&F1E0W2+ms=V34 for 33.6 speeds. Latest firmware is very important. In the SupraMax modem disable V90 or update the drivers. The SupraMax is basically a Rockwell HCF modem.

    • Motorola SM56 - Get the latest driver from http://www.motorola.com/networking/products/softmodem.html This modem has caused people a lot of problems. For the most reliable connection use AT%B18 We recommend you get a new modem.

    • Telepath Modems - Telepath Modems in Gateways are usually USR WinModems - http://www.gw2k.com/support/product/components/modem/index.html

    • ESS Modem> -This is a terrible modem. Their only technician recommends using the 56KES-X2 drivers off of www.multiwave.com and that the only manual reference I need for their chipset is the one for USR. Meaning it is a really bad USR chipset.

    • Shark V.80 56k - Most of them use Motorola chipset. Since most manufacturer uses the drivers straight from Motorola, here the Motorola URL for the modems and the drivers. Pay attention to the different kind of drivers with the identifier code - http://www.mot.com/networking/products/softmodem.html

    • Acer modems - We've found that some internal Acer modems of this vintage (basically before Win95 shipped...) won't work reliably with a port speed of 115,200 - and the symptoms would often be strange (connect, drop, report no dialtone until a power cycle). When they did n't weird out they'd still disconnect frequently. If the other end was an analog modem on a 57,600 serial port they'd work just fine, but calling anything capable of delivering traffic above that speed. Try setting the user's port speed to 57,600. It works for us.

    • Xircom CreditCard Modem 56T - Have him set S109=1, this will force K56Flex. If still no luck, set S38=0, this will force V.34

    • Emachines/Etowers - Interestingly enough, in this Tech Support FAQ on their web site - http://www.e4me.com/techsupport/faq.html#modem They claim that "When the UART speed of 8250 is reported, this is erroneous." Aparently they use a virtual UART, so we now have a modem that not only farms off the processing of signals, it also doesn't even have a real 16550 UART. Try using AT&F&C1&D2&K3W1 or ATN0S37=14 for V.90 or N0S37=13 for K56Flex or N0S37=12 for V.34

    • Global Village - Try dropping the port speed to 38400 and set the modem flow control to CTS-only. This is recommendation from Global Village.

    • Megahertz Cruise - These tend to reside in Powerbook 1400s. If you have problems connecting try putting commas after the phone number.

      ATI0 = modem product code
      "3 = modem firmware version
      "6 = hardware info or link diagnostics
      "7 = configuration screen (3Com/USR only)
      "11 = specific information about modem operation

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