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    Why do I get disconnected when I'm doing something on the internet? Or why does my internet seem to slow down at times? Or why do I have to try two or three times to get on the internet?

    Unfortunately, these problems have become common since the release of the 56k modem and are not always easy to fix. Internet connection problems can be caused by a large variety of items ranging from software on the computer to other devices on the same phone line to water in the phone line 3 miles down the street.

    1. Modem Type - Any kind of soft modem that has in it's name HCF, HSP, soft 56k, or winmodem is a typical problem modem. Most problems associated with these modems can be fixed by contacting VCI tech support at 800-755-1239 or 442-0060. Usually a short 15 minute procedure will take care of those problems.

    2. Phone Line - Problems caused by the phone line are usually indicated by two things:
      1. Extremely slow internet connections. An extremely slow connection speed of 14,400 would most likely indicate a phone line problem.
      2. A wide variety of connection speeds. If your modem connects anywhere from 21,600 to 45,000 your problem is most likely the phone line.

      A good indication that your phone line is the source of problems is noise or voices on your phone line. A 56k modem cannot tolerate noise of any kind on the phone line. If the modem detects noise it will re-negotiate it's speed, at which time the modem stops all internet activity.

    For more information please review the Connection Support section of our Support pages.

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    270-442-0060 / 800-755-1239
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